Types of POP Displays | Cardboard Cutout Standees

Types of POP Displays

Point of Purchase (POP) Marketing > POP & POS Marketing Displays > Types of POP Displays

Finding just the right type of point of purchase display for your location isn’t challenging. First, determine the amount of space you wish to dedicate to the display, and then select the mechanism and tool to help you best promote your product, campaign or service. Start by taking a look at these common display options.

Store showing types of POP displays.

Wheeled Carts

Wheeled carts provide an excellent solution for displays containing hand-picked items. On wheels, they can be moved into place and out of the way as desired. Wheel POP displays tend to work well for areas where a permanent or semi-permanent display stand would not work, or when merchandise needs to be moved into and out of the area at various times.

Wheeled cart display in floor aisle.

Floor Displays and Stands

As the name implies, floor displays are designed to sit right on the floor of your retail location. Some are mobile stands, but most are designed to remain in place throughout the promotion. A more permanent floor display’s footprint ranges in size but generally tends to be smaller than a shorter-term mobile stand. And with proper graphics, the dominating presence of floor stands commands attention.

Floor display pop display in aisle of store.

Pallet Displays

These displays typically consist of boxes that are placed on top of a pallet (whole, half or quarter) and arranged to promote a promotional offer. For example, soda boxes can be placed in a variety of positions atop a pallet to showcase a marketing promotion. Custom graphics can be incorporated into the display to create even more impact.

Pallet display POP display in aisle of store.

Cardboard Cutout Standees

Cardboard standees command attention. Larger than average POP displays, cardboard cutouts bring promotional offers to life, often with the image of a person. They tend to have a narrow base that allows them to be positioned anywhere. They’re perfect for drawing attention to shelving, though some cardboard standees also display products on them.

Counter Displays

Counter displays provide an opportunity to engage consumers standing at a checkout counter or another area of the store. Whether interactive or not, counter displays are perfectly positioned to catch the customer’s eye. They can hold product or pamphlets, or be designed as a display for a behind-the-counter product. They can also work as graphic displays to provide tester products or samples.

Counter top type of POP display on shelf.

End Cap Displays

End cap displays are vitally important for retail outlets hoping to sell more products. They are a type of POP display set up at the end of a store aisle, which customers can’t avoid walking past as they move from one aisle to the next.

End cap POP displays capture consumer attention, as they tend to use bold colors and display products in an easy grab-and-go manner. Most are on the larger side but can be fitted to meet any specifications.

End cap type of POP display.


POP signage is a form of display marketing. Whether positioned from ceilings or on doors, coolers, or walls, signage communicates promotional offers and directs consumers to where they need to go. It can help to showcase a single product on a shelf or provide the buyer with specific details about a promotional offer. They adhere in various ways, depending on the unique needs of the location.

Interactive Displays

Interactive displays are POP displays that allow a consumer to reach out and touch the product. Some allow consumers to experience how a product works, while others demonstrate the functionality of one product compared to another. The key is that they help sell the product through the POP display by creating a first-hand look at what is available.


Spinners are a specific type of interactive POP displays. They capture a consumer’s attention by placing products on a shelving unit that turns. Permanent or temporary, this type of marketing allows retailers to get more out of a small footprint.

Spinners are easy to use with a soft turn, displaying numerous product types, sizes and other options for promotion. Because they rotate, retailers can position more on these shelving units than is otherwise typical of that floor space, and they create an engaging opportunity for consumers.

Dump Bins

Dump bins are designed to hold a large number of products in a single location, often with several varieties of merchandise available. They are fun for people to dig through and help feature POP display merchandising in an interactive way. Perfect for promotions where products have different animations or marketing on them, such as soda cans or bars, dump bins get people looking for the one item they need to complete a collection.

Dump bin type of POP display.

Permanent Displays

Permanent displays are designed to last. They still offer all the graphic opportunities and unique features you would expect but they are usually positioned on a retailer’s floor space for an extended period of time. As such, they tend to hold products that are going to be commonly found in that location. Creating an attractive POP display like this draws attention to your company’s foundational products on a routine basis.


As you can see, there are a multitude of POP displays available to suit almost any need, and they offer a great deal of opportunity to go after additional retail sales and communicate important messages. Consider what would work best for your business!