Food & Beverage Conferences & Craft Beer Trade Shows

Food & Beverage Conferences - Craft Beer Trade Shows

Popular Trade Shows 2023 > Trade Show List By Industry > Food & Beverage Conferences - Craft Beer Trade Shows

There are countless food and beverage conferences across the U.S. each year. We picked the top three for their focus on business and growth, however, don’t let this stop you from exploring even more food and beverage trade shows happening this year!

Learn about the latest trends at food and beverage conferences.

Craft Brewers Conference 2023 & BrewExpo America® 2023

May 7-10, 2023 - Nashville, TN

A popular American food and beverage show, the Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America is geared towards a diverse audience of home brewers, business owners, and beer enthusiasts. The intention is to bring together ideas for improving the quality of the brewing process and as a result, create the best beer possible.

The BrewExpo America trade show is “the largest brewing conference and trade show in the U.S.” and boasts over 700 vendors. It will be held May 7-10.

You can register for either just the craft beer trade show itself, the full conference including seminars, or add-ons such as brewery tours. CBC seminars offer a chance for attendees of the craft beer trade show to learn about the business side of brewing (human resources, finance, management, etc.) and help to build strong leadership and direction across the industry.

What will be happening:

There will be resources to help with creating safety and sustainability as well as marketing programs for your brewery. This craft beer trade show will also feature keynote speakers and seminars to teach about techniques of brewing, best practices, barrel aging, and ingredients.

There will be plenty of veteran brewers and masters there to guide home brewers and new breweries through the hurdles of getting started.

One of the leading experts to speak at the craft beer conference is Richard Montañez, the vice president of multicultural sales & community promotions at PepsiCo.

Natural Products Expo West

March 7-11 2023

The Natural Products Expo West is a prime example of how expos have changed from the drab run-through of booths to exciting and engaging events. This expo has found ways to get people involved in important discussions, innovation exchanges, and networking without dragging attendees through too much information at once.

This show is focused on educating anyone interested in healthy choices and how the preferences of consumers are changing in the natural products industry. 

But this event doesn’t limit itself to food. It will break into the realm of supplements and CBD as well as organics.

What will be happening:

This event packs a lot into five days, including:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Discussion panels (which Jennifer Garner took part in last year)
  • Natural products business school
  • Supplement talks and education
  • Hemp summit
  • Climate day (how it affects food and business, and how your business can adjust)
  • Pitch-slams (submitting proposals to experts and investors)
  • Fresh Ideas Organic Marketplace

Given how many topics are covered in this expo (including climate, hemp, supplements, vitamins, and organic food), there’s a little bit of something for everyone.

America’s Food & Beverage Show

September 18-20, 2023 - Miami, Florida

America’s Food & Beverage show is geared mostly towards companies and small businesses looking for ways to expand and network on a large scale. This is an opportunity to talk with buyers, decision makers, exporters, promoters, and more, while also showcasing your products/services or sampling from more than 450 exhibitors.

What will be happening:

While this exhibit is a little more traditional, with booths and a few speakers, it’s the ideal networking opportunity. Ultimately, it’s meant to put you in front of domestic exporters to expand your business… oh, and food. There’ll be plenty of that to sample.


The food industry is the largest and most profitable in the world (according to Forbes), making its expos some of the must-see events of the year. Whether you’re a business, natural products enthusiast, craft brewer or just someone interested in almost anything else food or beverage-related, these trade shows offer something for you so start exploring!